Principals Welcome

It's my utmost pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all students, parents, staff, and our wider community to Apsley Primary School – a place where education transcends beyond textbooks and classrooms.

At Apsley, our mission is to foster a secure and nurturing environment, one that serves as a launching pad for students to not just survive but flourish in an ever-evolving world. We understand the significance of cultivating not only academic prowess but also social and emotional intelligence among our students.

Our focus is steadfastly fixed on equipping our students with the essential tools to become self-motivated, reflective learners. We empower them to embrace responsibility for their own learning journey, nurturing their innate curiosity and drive to excel.

We firmly believe that learning isn’t confined to a specific period or age; it's a lifelong voyage. As such, we highly value and celebrate the continuous pursuit of knowledge and growth, a journey shared by our dedicated parents, committed staff, enthusiastic students, and the larger community.

Together, let us embark on this collaborative endeavor of nurturing young minds, fostering a passion for learning, and instilling values that go beyond the confines of our classrooms.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's educational journey. I am excited about the year ahead and the incredible achievements that await us all.

Warm regards,

Tanya Turner (Principal)